New Moon Cacao Sound Bath
Feb 28th, 2025 (Fri)
6pm - 7:15pm
Indigo Soul Wellness, Yeronga

With the New Moon falling on the 28th of February, on this night I gather with you for our very first ceremonial sound healing event of the New Year. The New Moon symbolises a new beginning which makes it the perfect time for intention setting. Ceremonial Cacao enhances a sound healing experience and helps to bring clarity to our goals. I will be providing a dose starting from beginner (25g) to experienced (35g) for those who want to add Ceremonial Cacao to your evening. You are more than welcome to join without drinking Cacao.
Feb 28th, 2025 (Fri)
6pm - 7:15pm
$40 without Cacao
$55 with Cacao
Indigo Soul Wellness
46 Shottery Street, Yeronga, QLD 4104
To reserve your spot, please drop me an email ( with the attached receipt. Alternatively, use PayID to transfer the funds to with the reference "NewMoonSound".
Name: Chan Wai Sum June
BSB: 012140
A/C No: 194992123
On site and off street parking are available. Yoga mats, blocks, bolsters and blankets are provided.
Half Day Pilates Retreat
Mar 15th (Sat) 2025
8:30am - 11:30am
Temple Retreat, Pullenvale

Half Day Pilates Retreat is back in the New Year! We are returning to the relaxing hideaway retreat centre in Pullenvale on March 15th, 2025. We will start the day with a 75-minute Pilates and Stretch class. Healthy refreshments will be provided during the break. During the last hour you will learn practical techniques to use Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls to release muscle knots.
Mar 15th, 2025 (Sat)
8:30am - 11:30am
- 8:30am to 9:45am Pilates
- 9:45am to 10:30am Morning Tea
- 10:30am to 11:30am Roll & Release with YTU Therapy Balls
$115 early bird
$135 original price, after Feb 28th
If you want to purchase your own pair of YTU Therapy Balls, it will cost an extra $35.
Temple Retreat
580A Grandview Road, Pullenvale, QLD 4069
To reserve your spot, please drop me an email ( with the attached receipt. Alternatively, use PayID to transfer the funds to with the reference "PilatesRetreat".
Name: Chan Wai Sum June
BSB: 012140
A/C No: 194992123
On site and off street parking are available. Yoga mats, blocks, bolsters and blankets are provided. . If you have your own YTU Therapy Balls please bring them along. If not, I have spare ones to provide for the practice.